Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Create New SSL CSR file from OpenSSL, sign it with CA and implement CA signed SSL certificates on VMware Vcenter 5.0, Esxi 5.0 (Part4)

Tasks: replace CA signed SSL certificate on ESXi hosts

 as you know,  in part 1 and part 2, I cerated rui.key and rui.csr files and sent csr file to security team for the CA sign.

 Today I received rui.crt file them and going to replace it with  below stepts

 before I'm going to replace, I verified the exiting SSL certificate expire date by web browser (https://ESXIhostname)

1) using winSCP or some other method, copy the rui.csr and rui.key files to esxi /temp folder 

 2) rename the existing SSL certifacte as orog.rui.crt and orig.rui.key

3) copy the new SSL cert from temp folder to /etc/vmware/SSL folders

4) in order to use new SSL, restart the management services by restart.sh restart or /etc/init.d/vpxa restart and /etc/init.d/hostd restart

5) once restarted, re-connect the host back to vcenter and verify the SSL certificate on web browser.